External Vendors
What's an external vendor?
An external vendor is a company that you are inviting onto campus for an event or activity.
As a group, you are responsible for ensuring that the vendor is safe to bring on campus. This is done by ensuring that you have the correct documentation, and have included this in your event application for your link staff member to sign off on.
Any safe or reputable external vendors should have their own insurance and risk assessments to cover their activity. As a student group, it is your responsibility to ensure that these checks have been done so that if anything were to happen, both your group and the external vendor can prove that you have taken sensible action to ensure that your event is safe to run.
What documentation do I need to ask for and submit?
In order to run an event safely on campus, you must submit the following documentation in your event application through your member dashboard:
A public liability insurance worth over £5 million from the vendor. This must be worth over £5 million for York SU to approve this;
A completed contract form that your student group and the company are required to complete.
This must be attached to your event application through your member dashboard, or emailed to societies@yorksu.org for sign-off by a member of York SU;
A risk assessment and method statement must also be included;
If a food vendor: scores on the doors (food hygeine rating) must also be provided.
If you are inviting a food vendor on campus, please email ycl-catering@york.ac.uk and cc in societies@yorksu.org in the first instance for approval on this vendor before you enter a contractual agreement with them.
Food Vendors and Caterers
Due to near misses in the past with food vendors for on-campus events, the University of York are ensuring that any external food vendors are properly vetted and checked before groups invite them onto campus. For any external food vendors, please email ycl-catering@york.ac.uk and cc in societies@yorksu.org in the first instance, with the information bullet pointed above, for approval.
Please be aware that any external food vendors invited onto campus without approval will mean that your event will be cancelled due to its high risk rating and lack of mitigation for this risk.