Finance and Memberships

Finance Summary

The Finance Summary screen shows you basic information about your accounts, including how much money is in your accounts. If you have been allocated grant funding, it will be totalled up together in one figure. If you have an additional account, such as a sub-account for a specific project, this will appear separately. 

You can also see the history of your purchase requests. There's a button for payment requests, but we don't use it - instead we use the Payment Request Form.

To see further information about your group’s finances, click on one of your group’s accounts. This will show you a more detailed breakdown of your accounts. You’ll see the total balance across your accounts, and the date that your accounts were last updated. 

Underneath there are two tabs for Pending Expenditure/Income. These will display any payments which are waiting to be processed into or out of your account, such as event tickets which have been purchased on the website but the transaction hasn’t yet been fully processed. These will move into your main statement over time.

Below these tabs you’ll see your main statement, which is a record of transactions made into and out of your group accounts. If you have a grant account, the number in the Nominal column will tell you whether it’s from your Own Funds or your Grant account:

Account Nominals

Finally, underneath this, you’ll see a section called Nominal Breakdown of Balance. If your group has multiple accounts, e.g. a Grant account or a sub-account for a specific project, here you’ll see how much is in each of these accounts separately. 

Purchase Requests

Purchase Requests should be used for any purchases you wish to make  for your student group which do not fall under this list:

Purchases that are not covered by purchase requests, may be processed through the Payment Request Form. Purchases that do not fall into these categories, such as hotel bookings, equipment orders, merchandise, eBay and Amazon orders etc. should be processed as a Purchase Request. 

Creating a Purchase Request

Open the Member Dashboard, head to the Finance section, and click "New Purchase Request".

On the first screen, fill in the details of the supplier - leave them blank (or enter 0) if you don't know them.

On the Items screen, fill in the details of what you're purchasing. Make sure the name matches what's listed by the supplier. Enter the unit cost including VAT.

On the next screen, fill in the VAT as 0.00 and the delivery totals if applicable.

On the Coding screen, fill in which account you'd like the money to come out of:

If you'd like to split the total between accounts (e.g. part-funded grant items), you can add another nominal entry. The system will give you an error at this point if the total doesn't match.

On the next screen, upload a quote or a print-out of the order basket.

Under Misc, select if it's related to transportation. Leave the question about funding applications blank - it's not relevant to our processes.

York SU staff will then review and approve the claim. It will need to be approved by your link staff member and then the Finance Office; the Finance team will then be able to make the purchase for you, and the money will be deducted from the specified account. The Finance team will contact you once the purchase has been made.

While your request is pending it will show in the Active Requests tab of the home screen in the Finance section of the Dashboard. Once it has been purchased, it will move to the Archived Requests tab.


Memberships are set up automatically by your link staff member during the re-ratification process. If you require any amendments or additions to memberships, please contact them directly. Any product applications (see below) for memberships will be declined, as these are notoriously fiddly.

Memberships can be bought by any members of York SU. As York SU is an opt-out Union, this is every student at the University unless they opt-out. 

Non-students, staff, and members of the public can also participate in your activity if you wish, however they will first need to register as an associate member of York SU first!

Associate Membership

Non-students, staff and members of the public can register as an associate member of York SU on our website.

Shortly after applying, they will receive an email asking them to reset the password to their new York SU account. Once this has been completed, the associate member will be able to login to the York SU website and purchase memberships as usual!

If you have any questions about associate membership or concerns about the process, please contact our Helpdesk team at


Contact your link staff member or our IT ( or Finance ( Teams