Dismissal and Resignation of Committee Members
Please be aware that committees cannot dismiss members or exclude particular members from their group activity. Cases will be investigated through York SU's Misconduct Procedure, or the University's investigation if Regulation-7 has been breached. If you have any issues regarding a committee member, please let your link staff know, or email complaints@yorksu.org if you believe that they have breached York SU's Code of Conduct.
Very occasionally, groups find that a particular committee member is not performing their duties as required. This can be extremely disruptive to the rest of the committee and the society as a whole, so it's important that it is resolved. As always, in the first instance you should look to resolve this informally.
Remember that the person may be:
Struggling with their academic work and deadlines;
Going through something difficult with their family or close relationships;
Burnt out;
Unclear of the responsibilities of their role.
It's a good idea to meet with the individual one-on-one to ask why they are not fulfilling their responsibilities, and how the committee can support them. Putting a mutually agreed action plan in place can help them feel more in control and enabled in their role.
Alternatively, they may choose to step down from their role if it’s proving too much to cope with. If this happens, you’ll need to hold an election to replace them.
Votes of No Confidence (VoNCs)
If the individual continues not to perform, there is the option of a vote of 'no confidence'. We strongly discourage these, unless all other avenues of conflict resolution have been attempted. They can be distressing, embarrassing, and time-consuming. The process is outlined below, and in society constitutions. Please note that no committee member can be dismissed from their role unless they have received a vote of 'no confidence' from members. This process runs as follows:
Before a vote of 'no confidence' (or VoNC) can be considered against a committee member, there must have been an attempt to settle the matter informally first. If this has been unsuccessful, the incident should then be referred to your link staff member with a request to hold a VoNC. The request must be accompanied by a petition of 25% of York SU members of the society, or 10 York SU members of the society– whichever is greater. Please note for Colleges, VoNCs must be held according to your Constitution/Terms of Reference, get in touch with the Community Coordinator if you are unsure.
If a VoNC motion is called, then an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) must be held to run the vote. All society members must be made aware of the EGM at least one week in advance. The EGM must reach quorum, and in order for the VoNC to carry it must be supported by at least ⅔ of those voting. Both parties should have the opportunity to outline the reasons why voters should support them.
If the vote is successful you must inform YUSU within two working days. Another EGM will also need to be held so that the position can be filled.
It is best practice to avoid VoNCs. If you are having trouble with a committee member, please let us know so we can support you in resolving it.
Contact your link staff member or our Societies (societies@yorksu.org) or Complaints(complaints@yorksu.org) Teams