Support Services

Efficient and Effective Signposting

The purpose of signposting is to enable the individual you are supporting to make an informed decision about what step they want to take next, and to have the ability to contact an organisation or person who can help them.

To signpost effectively, make sure you:

Remember, you are not expected to undertake any responsibilities. You should not:

Support Services and Care Pathways

There are a number of support services available for students to access. If you are not sure where to signpost someone, or need support yourself and are not sure where to access it, speak to your link staff member at YorkSU.

In an Emergency

It’s very important that you know what to do if there is an emergency during your student group’s activities or event. 

On Campus

If you are on campus and are concerned about someone’s immediate safety, call 999

Then call University Security on 01904 323333. They will help the emergency services locate you on campus.

It is highly recommended that you put this number in your mobile phone. 

If you are on campus and someone is hurt or you are concerned for their wellbeing, but they are not in serious or imminent danger, call the University Security team first. They are first-aid trained and will be able to advise the student on the best course of action.

You can also download and use the SafeZone app, through which you can contact the Security team or make an emergency call directly. 

Off Campus

If you are off campus and concerned about someone's immediate safety, call 999 to get help. You may wish to download the What3Words app which can pinpoint your location for emergency services. 

If you are at a venue off-campus, the staff there will be able to help you in any emergency.

After the situation has been resolved, please let us know what happened by sending an email to Jasmine at and Geoff at We can help you access support if you need.

For non-emergency situations, the support services are listed below including links and contacts, and we've also linked our comprehensive signposting guide and guide for supporting students' mental health and wellbeing.

ASC's friendly advisers provide independent and confidential support and guidance to students on a wide range of issues. They work closely with other services and organisations so are well equipped to provide resources and signpost students to appropriate support.

College Wellbeing Teams

Unity Health is the University of York's local GP Service.

The SVLO provides specialist confidential one-to-one support for individuals who have experienced sexual violence. SVLO can talk through support and reporting options, both within the University and externally. Students can access support whether something has happened recently or some time ago. Support is confidential and students will not be pressured into taking any particular course of action.

Academic Supervisors and Departmental Wellbeing Officers

​​​​​​​​​​​​Every student has an academic supervisor who can provide advice and guidance on issues both academic and otherwise. 

Each department now has a Wellbeing Officer, to which students can self refer (via the VLE or their department’s admin team). They are members of staff who can be a sympathetic ear, but also provide practical advice and support in regards to managing their studies whilst facing stress, difficult circumstances or health problems.

Nightline  is a confidential listening, information and sexual health supplies service, run by students for students. They are open from 8pm until 8am every night of term. There are various ways you can access Nightline support:

You can use the Samaritans Self-Help app for free to help record your mood and see patterns in how you are feeling.

YorSexual Health provides free, confidential information about sexual health and contraception services in York and North Yorkshire. Services include contraception. STI tests (in person or postal), and counselling.

Condom Corners

YUSU works closely with YorSexual Health in order to provide a range of free sexual health supplies for all students at the University of York. Our Condom Corners at YUSU Reception and Goodricke College stock condoms, lubricants, dental dams, chlamydia tests, pregnancy tests and YorSexual Health information.

The University's Security team is  responsible for ensuring the safety of everyone at the University. They operate 24/7, and should you need support out of normal working hours, you should get in touch with them in the following ways:


YorkSU Signposting Guide