Accessible Communications

This page runs through some top tips to consider in your communications to make them as accessible as possible. We have a Accessibility Guide to Student Activities which goes into further detail- which we would recommend reading thoroughly to consider how holistically your groups activities are able to be accessible.

You can use this contents section to navigate through this page:

Accessibility Guide to Student Activities

Plain Text

Plain text is text that has no special formatting which means it can easily be read via a screen reader. Plain text can be the text that is already included in a graphic. 

The bulk of your social media post will probably be the text that accompanies an image or graphic. For the most part, social media networks do not allow you to alter text formats such as size and colour. However, the following can still help to ensure the post is as accessible as possible:

Image Descriptions

Image descriptions are plain text explanations of an image, graphic, photograph, illustration or thumbnail of a video. They are important for visually impaired students or those using a screen reader on their device. Image descriptions can include but are not limited to:

In general, include any information that is important in understanding the context of the post.

Image descriptions:

‘Where should I place the image description on a social media post?’

‘When are image descriptions not needed?’

Image descriptions are not necessary if:

Making Graphics

If you’re making graphics, it’s worth bearing the following in mind:

Making Accessible Videos

It’s important that our videos are accessible for deaf, hard of hearing, blind and partially sighted students. See below on how to do this:

‘Isn’t subtitling videos really time-consuming?’

Using the techniques above may seem fiddly to begin with, but will become quicker as you get the hang of it. If you need further guidance, please reach out to us!

‘What if there is no way I can add subtitles to a video online?’

If you’ve tried everything and it's not working, transcribe the video and add this as a plain-text version as the first comment on the post. 

Content Warnings

Put simply, content warnings alert readers that the following content contains potentially distressing material. These allow students affected by such material to make an informed decision on whether they’d like to read on. Content warnings should be used if a post contains any content about:

If your post requires a content warning, then the finished post should look like this:

CW: Sexual violence

If you’ve been affected by sexual violence or abuse, get in touch with local charity Survive on 01904 642830 or take a look at the university’s web pages here

If you’re a student at The University of York and have been affected by these issues or need support, get in touch with your College team or visit to see what services and support we have available.


Jasmine Pledger, Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator -