
Student Group clothing (e.g. hoodies, t-shirts) not only makes your committee and members feel part of something but it spreads the name of your group and raises awareness on campus. But merch doesn’t have to stop there– consider badges, mugs, pencils, water bottles, keyrings, and think about whether there’s an item directly relevant to your society that you could use (e.g. CyberSoc might produce USB sticks with their logo). Bring physical items to socials, events, and sign-up opportunities like Freshers’ Fair, and consider handing bits out for free if your funds will allow. 

Remember, for your merchandise to be really effective, you’ll need good branding. A coordinating colour scheme and a clear logo which advertises your group’s purpose and aims will go a long way.


There are two main ways of running your group's merch order: through the YUSU website, or using your group's SumUp reader.

YUSU Website

Upload your merch products to the YUSU website through the Member Dashboard. Your members will then be able to purchase them and the money will go directly into your group's account for you to use when ordering it.

You can add multiple products (for example different colours, or both T-shirts and hoodies), and you can use capture fields to ask members for their size. You can then download all the purchasers as an Excel spreadsheet.


If you'd rather not use the YUSU website, you can take orders from your group's members using a Google Form or similar, place it through a Purchase Request, and then have members pay for their merch with their bank cards using a SumUp reader. Note that your group will need enough money in your Own Funds before placing the order - we can't offer you an advance.