Job Application Resources and Career Planning

This part of the Employability Hub focuses on key guidance in searching for jobs, completing applications and resources helping you create CV's, preparing for interviews and using AI.

Job Application Resources

Where to apply for career opportunities?

You could also attend workshops and networking events hosted by the career services.

2. Job Portals

Top Tip!: Look through opportunities on these platforms frequently so that you wouldn't miss any important deadline and apply to opportunities that suit you. 

3. Company Websites

4. Professional Associations

Top Tip!: It would be helpful to keep an eye on these boards as applications here might be less competitive than those on LinkedIn and Handshake.

5. Networking

Top Tip!: The University also provides access to mentoring from our Alumni's. See more on the University's York Profiles and Mentors page.

How to Apply

Top Tip!: Always ensure your CV and cover letter are tailored to each application.

Top Tip!: Here's a few email application templates that you could use. (email template links)

Career Planning Guide

Career Exploration and Self-awareness

3. Self-awareness

4. Events

CV Help

CV Types and Templates

Different industries have different CV format preferences. Below are some examples that could guide you to make your own CV tailored to the job you are applying to.

Basic Template:

Example of an Investment Banking CV

Creative Template:

Example of a Television Industry CV

See more on the University's career page and to check out more good CV examples.

Reviewing your CV

Interview Types

Top tip!: These can be daunting, but it's important to remember to address all panel members, but focus on the one asking the question.

Preparing for an Interview

Consider using AI tools for summarizing information or generating sample questions, but verify the content. Practice with Shortlist.Me for mock video interviews. Book a careers advice appointment or a mock interview for personalized guidance (see Talk to Us pages on the University website).

On the day tips!

Assessment Centres

Use of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a valuable tool in your career preparation, but you need to understand that employers opinions on AI is varied, so whilst we will include how you can effectively utilise AI to enhance your employability, remember to make an informed opinion on using AI.

Things to consider before using AI:

Because of this, we'd never recommend you to copy and paste text straight from Chat GPT or Gemini across into an application form. However, if you are willing to make edits and review to make the content produced by AI more authentic, then here are some effective ways to utilise AI to enhance your employability:

More information regarding Employer Attitudes, data security and additional resources regarding AI utilization can be found on the Using AI as an applicant page.

Offers and Rejections

It's likely as you begin searching for graduate roles, that you'll experience the highs and lows of job hunting, which might include rejections. 

The Careers department have put some guidance together on dealing with these highs and lows, from handling a job offer whilst awaiting the outcome of other interviews, choosing from multiple job offers and how to deal with rejections.

You can review the information on the  Unsuccessful applications and handling job offers pages.

For additional support, you can check out these University of York guidance pages: