College Fundraising

The content on these pages are targeted at College Volunteering and Fundraising Representatives on College Committees. If you're a club or society looking to fundraise, please follow this link. For anything not covered on these pages, or any questions you have about fundraising in your student group, please contact Jasmine Pledger,  Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator -

What is College Fundraising?

Fundraising is a fun, exciting, and varied way to raise incredible amounts of money for charity whilst also getting your students involved in College life. Fundraising is known for its quirky creativity and coordination of large scale events to raise money for charity.

Each College has their own dedicated partner charity for a 1 year period. The partnership intends to provide continuity and consistency for fundraising and volunteering opportunities, as well as give students the opportunity to get involved in local causes.

Integrating Fundraising into your College activities is a great way to engage your members with your Charity partner's work. Here you'll find guidance on the correct finance processes to follow, view our How to Fundraising Guides to ensure you do everything required to make your fundraiser a success or find inspiration with our fundraising ideas and top tips.

College Fundraising Accounts

Committees will often fundraise throughout the year for their charity partner or other causes. To ensure that the money you fundraise is handled correctly, you need to make sure your fundraising goes into your Fundraising Account.

Your Fundraising Account is a separate account for any fundraising you do for charity.

A separate account is required as YorkSU's charitable status prohibits money being donated to other charities, political parties, campaigns, or trade unions unless specific rules are followed. This means you cannot donate directly from your College's main account, but you can deposit funds into your College Fundraising account and then request that the money is paid to your chosen charity through the Payment Request Form.

Ways to Fundraise

When it comes to actually raising money for charity, you have a number of different options, and this might come down to the type of fundraising event you are organising. The different options available to you are:

Collecting Cash Donations

Collecting cash donations is the traditional way to raise funds at events, and using collection tins or buckets are often an additional way of people throwing in their loose change to donate to your cause.

However, from a sustainability perspective, coins and notes are damaging to the planet due to the emissions they produce in their production so we'd recommend limiting using cash or collecting cash donations where possible.

Ticket Sales

Whether all of the profits from your fundraising are going to charity, or a proportion of ticket sales, you can use the YorkSU website as a platform for all of your ticketing. 

If you wish to have all proceeds from ticket sales to go to charity, you can set up the ticket directly to be deposited into your College RAG account.

If only a percentage or a certain amount (eg: £1 from every ticket sold) will go to charity, then after you've sold tickets, you just need to contact YorkSU Finance to request a transfer of funds.

SumUp Card Reader Donations

Each College should have a SumUp Card Reader that you may be able to utilise to take contactless donations from attendees at an event. You would just need to contact YorkSU Finance to instruct them to transfer the funds after the event, and notify anyone donating that their donation is subject to a 1.69% transaction fee from SumUp.


YorkSU has a JustGiving page that student groups are able to set up a page on. Any funds raised will come into YorkSU's accounts and be deposited directly into your College RAG accounts. 

Check out our 'How to' guide for JustGiving on details on how to set up an account.

Fundraising Event Planning Process

Being on a college committee provides you with a great opportunity to fundraise for a cause you care about whilst having an audience of supporters who can promote your events, support your ideas and help you reach your fundraising goal. You may choose to fundraise for a charity your college is partnered with already, for a one-off cause such as Comic Relief or Children in Need, or for a different cause entirely. Whichever charity you choose to raise money for, use the information below as a flowchart to guide you through the process.

Choose a Charity

•Research potential charity partners or host an event for your College Charity Partner

•Contact the chosen charity (they may be able to provide some resources or support)

Choose a Fundraising Event/Activity


•What you want to do

•How it will raise money

How will you collect donations? (Online page, cash, card reader, tickets)

•if it will be enjoyable (you need to enjoy it too!)

•Any associated costs that will come out of the fundraised amount (eg: hire of space / equipment)

Plan your fundraising event

Complete (if applicable):

•Events Management Forms (EMF)

•Room Bookings/Venue Bookings

•A budget for the event

•Risk Assessments

Set up (if applicable):

•Tickets on YorkSU Website

•Online Donation Pages

•Social media pages or other marketing and promotion for the event

Run your event

•Collect donations (cash/online)

•Follow your event plan and the 'How to' Guides on running your specific event

•Prepare yourself to answer questions about your chosen charity and why people should donate

•Raise as much money as possible

•Enjoy your event

Making the Charity Donation

Once your fundraiser is complete, you'll likely have all of the money raised ready to be donated. 

First, check any of the expenses have been paid out, if the event was marketed as 'all profits will be donated to xyz charity'

Next, total all of the funds raised for your event. Make sure all of the items you're adding up in your Fundraising account is for your fundraiser specifically. Is everything there, or does something look like it's missing? Money from JustGiving isn't received instantly, so these items may not be showing straight away.

Once you're happy that your Fundraising account reflects all of the funds raised, complete a 'Payment Request Form' to make a charity donation.

Finally, celebrate your fundraising achievements and share how much you've raised!

Donating directly to Charity (not through YorkSU Accounts)

We would always encourage you to utilise your College Fundraising accounts for your fundraising as our finance team can make all the donations and everything is handled safely. However, you are able to set up a donation page where funds will go directly to a charity. You just need to be sure that:

Ethical Fundraising

Whoever you are fundriaisng for, your fundraising should always be ethical, and there are certain ways to ensure that it is:

Additional Support and Guidance

How to Guides

Marketing and Promotion

Additional Questions?

Do you want to know how to run a bake sale? A Raffle? How to obtain corporate sponsorship?

Follow this link to all of our 'How to' Guides

If you'd like YorkSU Fundraising to promote your fundraiser, email or on the YorkSU Fundraising Facebook and Instagram pages.

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For any questions on Student Group Fundraising, please contact Jasmine Pledger,  Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator -