Why do we need to submit events applications?
The Students' Union are liable for all student group activity and you therefore must inform of any and all events you are intending to host, in the form of a SUMS Event Application, as well as completing any University requirements (EMF) which sits separately.
Failure to thoroughly follow these procedures will result in your event being uninsured and therefore cancelled. Although these processes may seem tedious, they are essential to ensuring your activities are insured and safe for your members.
What application process do I need to use?
Please use our flow chart to find out what process you need to take to register your event!
General Risk Assessment: Your risk assessment covering weekly activity for your group. This generally includes committee meetings and society weekly events. Please check your general risk assessment, update this and send this to your link staff member if your weekly activity changes!
Special Events: Events not covered by your General Risk Assessment. This could include (but not limited to) a society social on or off campus, trip, or event involving an external speaker. These events often require a lot of planning, so please make sure that you plan in depth how you are going to deliver this event before submitting your applications!
SUMS Event Application: An application made through your member dashboard. This requires two waves of approval, one from your link staff member and another from York SU Finance. Please ensure that you submit these applications at least 7 days in advance of when you'd like tickets to go live!
Events Management Form (EMF): A University process to ensure that all relevant University departments (Estates, Security, Portering etc.) are aware of your event. This is only needed if you have a special event that is on campus. Off-campus events do not need an EMF. If your event requires an EMF, ensure you submit it 21 days in advance, otherwise your event may not go ahead!
Key Points for Event Applications
Allow at least one week for Students' Union Staff to approve your event application made on your member dashboard.
Make sure that you set up tickets through your events application. We do not allow tickets to be created on third-party platforms, as refunds can be made easier
Submit your EMFs at least 21 days in advance!
Contact your link staff member or our IT ( or Events ( Teams