Volunteering Project
Every York SU-affiliated student group must re-ratify every year. Re-ratification is a requirement under the by-laws, which govern how York SU is run. There are three main purposes to the re-ratification process:
To elect a new committee for your project as is required under the Project Constitution;
To review all the information we hold about your project and its committee and confirm that everything is correct and up-to-date;
To ensure that we are providing high-quality opportunities for the student body which adhere to our set of minimum standards for Volunteering Projects.
You can navigate to relevant sections using the contents below:
2025 Timeline
For the next cycle of re-ratification, here is the timeline you must follow:
Re-ratification Training and Handover Workshop - Wednesday 12th March 2025 (PM)
Attendance is mandatory for at least one committee member from each project.
Re-ratification Opens - Monday 17th March 2025
From this date, you can organise your AGM in order to elect a new committee.
Re-ratification Closes - Friday 11th April 2025
By this date, you will need to have elected your committee, completed all mandatory documents and online training, and submitted those documents to us.
Mandatory Training for New Committees - Wednesday 30th April (PM)
All new signatories must attend this training, other committee members are welcome but attendance is not mandatory.
Re-Ratification Guide
The document below walks you through each stage of re-ratifying your project. Please ensure you read this thoroughly before submitting any documents.
How to Re-ratify
All projects need to submit a series of documents to York SU in order to re-ratify their project. Our comprehensive re-ratification guide explains the process in full detail, but for a quick summary.
The things you need to do and documents you need to complete are:
Hold an Annual General Meeting which includes Electing a New Committee
Complete a Full Committee List with the new Project Committee details, agreeing to any relevant policies, codes of conduct and terms and conditions
Complete the Semester Impact Report (if not done so already)
Submit your project’s reviewed Constitution, including any amendments voted in at the AGM
Review and submit your project’s Risk Assessment
Complete required training modules according to your roles (mandatory for all signatories)
Update and submit the Equipment Inventory
Submit all the above documents through the form (linked below)
Submission Point
Once you've got everything ready, you can then submit your documents through a form that will be linked on this page.
Help and Support
We understand there is a lot to organise and complete as part of re-ratifying with York SU, so if you need any support or have any questions, please do get in touch with the Volunteering Team at volunteering@yorksu.org
Re-Ratification Template Documents
Jasmine Pledger, Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator - volunteering@yorksu.org