YorkSU: The Basics

On these pages, you'll find all the information on YorkSU, how we operate and all of the mandatory requirements of being a ratified student group, from training, to minimum standards, as well as all the useful contacts in YorkSU.

About YorkSU

The University of York Students’ Union, is a registered charity. It aims to represent and support University of York students, as well as providing opportunities and events to entertain and develop them. We are a democratic organisation, led by elected student representatives and supported by a staff team.

Every student at the University of York is automatically made a member of the Union upon enrolling at the University, but they can always opt out if they wish. YorkSU members get to elect the representatives who lead the strategic and political direction of the charity on an annual basis. 

YorkSU also has a CEO and a Board of Trustees. The Board includes the seven sabbatical officers, three elected student trustees, the CEO, and three external trustees. It is chaired by the elected Union Affairs Officer. The Board holds ultimate responsibility for the financial health, legal compliance, and development of the Union.

Mandatory Requirements as a Ratified Group

As a registered charity, YorkSU needs to abide by UK Charity Law. Ratified student groups have no separate legal identity from YorkSU. This means that UK laws regarding charities also apply directly to our affiliated student groups, and also that the Union is ultimately responsible for the actions taken by groups. 

Because of this, there are various rules and requirements our volunteering projects must adhere to, these include:

What YorkSU provides to Student Groups

We are very proud of our 250+ ratified student groups at YorkSU. They provide amazing leadership and development opportunities, social spaces, skills training and more to the student body at York. They are all entirely student-led with elected committees, supported in their activities by the Students’ Union in the following ways: