Volunteering Committee


There are over 1,000 students getting involved in volunteering just in YorkSU on an annual basis, through our volunteering projects. Whilst these groups are student-led and student-run, we have elected representatives in YorkSU that represent and act in the best interests for those projects and student volunteers, and work to make volunteering even better at York.

Union Development Officer

The Union Development Officer leads on events as well as activity in on-campus venues! The primary responsibility will be to lead the development and execution of memorable and engaging events and fundraising activities. Alongside this, the officer will spearhead sustainable practices and create a socially responsible and engaged university community. 

Gen is your 2024/2025 Union Development Officer. You can read her manifesto here and contact Gen at uniondevofficer@yorksu.org

Volunteering Committee

Volunteering Committee is chaired by the elected Union Development Officer and is made up of representatives from each ratified Volunteering Project. 

Volunteering Committee are responsible for ratifying new volunteering projects, allocating grant funding and sharing feedback to improve volunteering at York.


Volunteering Team - volunteering@yorksu.org