
YorkSU is a registered charity and as such, must abide by UK Charity Law. Ratified student groups have no separate legal identity from YorkSU, therefore the same UK Law regarding charities must also apply to those affiliated groups.

Due to this, there are a number of rules and regulations that all projects must adhere to ensure compliance with legal guidelines, YorkSU by-laws and your Project Constitution.

Volunteering Project Constitutions

Each ratified Volunteering Project must be constituted by YorkSU, it’s purpose being that the constitution outlines reasonable expectations for best practices which volunteers are expected to adhere to. 

Ultimate responsibility for the governance and discipline of the project lies with the Student Activities Officer, who has delegated operational responsibility to Fundraising and Volunteering Coordinator.

Each project must review their Project Constitution at their Annual General Meeting, and new committee’s must sign and agree to it. A copy of the constitution should also be made available to all members/volunteers. For the avoidance of doubt, Clause 11.4 outlines that the provisions in by-law 12 supersede the project constitution for conduct matters.

As a Project Committee member, you should be familiar with your Project Constitution and its contents. Each Project can make additions or changes to their constitution as appropriate, following a vote by members (such as the addition that volunteers must complete a DBS Check before volunteering), but there are certain sections in which projects cannot make amendments to, such as: Volunteering Project Finance and Dismissal and Resignation of Members and Volunteers. 

Each Project should use the Template Volunteering Project Constitution as a guide, to ensure their individual constitution is up to date.

For example, when changes were made to the law around Data Protection, we added a section into our template to align with this, ensuring projects are up to date with new legal guidelines and any updates to YorkSU's policies and procedures.

[PROJECT NAME] Volunteering Project Constitution 24/25 (Template)

Constitution Contents

The numbered points below give an outline of each part of the Template Constitution.  Noting your specific project constitution may include additional sections.

Constitutional Amendments

If you wish to change something within your Project Constitution, this is known as a Constitutional Amendment. In order to do this, you must host an EGM or AGM where all members are invited to attend to discuss the proposals.

At the meeting you should:

Constitutional amendments require a ⅔ majority to pass. Voters can vote yes or no to the amendment, or they can choose to abstain. Once the allotted time has passed, you can announce the results and inform the incoming committee of the changes so the amendments can be written into the constitution - or you can do this yourselves. 


Volunteering Team -