Room Use and Storage

Room Bookings Terms and Conditions

In order to use space and rooms on campus, you must adhere to the University's Room Bookings Terms and Conditions

Failure to comply with the terms may risk charges, removal of your room or inability to book/use rooms in the future.


You agree to complete an Events Management Form (EMF) before booking space if your event: 

If you book space for an event and do not complete an EMF you will receive a warning. If your EMF is not approved and you hold the event you will receive a warning.


You are entitled to use all facilities provided in University spaces. You agree to take responsibility for any damage incurred during your booking. If damage is found, you will be charged accordingly and receive a warning.

Fire Safety

In the interest of fire safety, you agree to adhere to the room capacity stated during the bookings process. If it is found that rooms are filled past capacity, you will receive a warning.


You agree to book a room with a layout suitable for your needs. If you have not requested a change to room layout and move furniture during the booking, you must return everything to the original layout as shown on the wall at the end of your session or you will receive a warning.


You agree to leave the room in a clean state and remove all of your litter at the end of your booking. If you leave litter in a room you will receive a warning and risk being charged.


You agree to keep noise to a minimum unless specifically stated on your booking. If a complaint is received due to noise, you will receive a warning.

Personal Belongings

The University does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to personal belongings left in rooms.

Reporting Problems

If you find damage or mess within a room at the beginning of your booking, you agree to inform Room Bookings as soon as possible. In failing to do so, you risk any charges and warnings being passed onto you.

YorkSU Student Space Use Policy

This policy is for the use of a permanently allocated room on the University of York Campus by a ratified YorkSU student group. It details the rules and procedures to be adhered to by student groups in the use and management of the room, as well as the sanction procedures in the event of the Rules being breached.

YUSU Student Space Use Policy


Jasmine Pledger, Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator - 

Room Bookings Team -